Posts tagged Matthea Harvey
Underwater New York at Poets House

On August 24, six phenomenal UNY contributing poets–Matthea HarveyKC TrommerKatie NaughtonDanniel SchoonebeekAllyson Paty and Cate Marvin–shared their poems from the site, as well as a small, stunning selection of other work. Matthea Harvey read several poems she wrote about, and for, mermaids (she had just returned from a mermaid convention!), Cate Marvin revealed Staten Island’s dark side and KC Trommer changed the way we’ll think about “On the Waterfront” forever. We luckily caught Katie Naughton before she sails off for warmer waters (Thailand!) and were swept away by Danniel and Allyson’s “Torch Songs,” a series of poems they write, and read, together. More than sixty poetry fans assembled at beautiful Poets House, overlooking the Hudson River, for the event and many stayed afterwards to drink wine, peruse the library and celebrate. Big thanks to the poets, to the audience and to Poets House!

Here are a selection of photographs from the event: 

The Deedle Deedle Dees Family Variety Show: Underwater Halloween!

Underwater New York was so excited to be collaborating with children’s rock group The Deedle Deedle Dees to present this show! The Deedle Deedle Dees and UNY contributor Michael Hearst (One Ring Zero, Songs for Ice Cream Trucks) performed and the little ones wiggled all over the dance floor with an underwater disco dance party by UNY’s own DJ Dan Selzer.

It wasn't just the little guppies who enjoyed the show–The Deedle Deedle Dees write smart children’s songs about topics ranging from history (Sojourner Truth) to literature (Zora) to NYC traffic patterns (Major Deegan) that grown-ups can appreciate, too. Here's the amazing song about Dead Horse Bay they wrote for UNY:


The Deedle Deedle Dees book club also featured works by UNY contributor Matthea Harvey. Check out the kids’ pick The Little General and the Giant Snowflake and adult pick Modern Life.

Check out some of the amazing costumes here:

That Sinking Feeling: UNY and TOLD

On Monday, October 18th, UNY invited a new audience to dive into “That Sinking Feeling,” the water-themed 24th installment of the monthly storytelling series TOLD. TOLD was hosted by Seth Lind, produced by Heidi Grumelot and presented by Horse Trade.

The lineup included:

- Ted McAdams, flailing in the deep with only a nemesis to help him

- Steven Berkowitz, riding on a ferry boat to nowhere

- Penny Pollack, navigating tipsy waters a sloshed friend leaves behind

- Boris Timanovsky, making flood-soaked first impressions

And waterlogged interludes curated by UNY including: 

-animation based on Boris's story by John Urquhart: 

 -poetry by Matthea Harvey

-and an original song by Deidre Rodman Struck

Transport III with Underwater New York at Proteus Gowanus

Underwater New York was thrilled to co-curate Brooklyn gallery Proteus Gowanus‘s summer 2010 show, the last installment in their year-long series around the theme of Transport–an exploration of How We Get There in our never-ending journey towards our destinations. Transport III with Underwater New York was on view from June 12th to July 17th, 2010, and featured work ranging from paintings to letterpress prints to artist books to photographs to installations and more, all inspired by objects found in the waterways of NYC. Pictured above are our artworks, artifacts, stories in bottles and more as they were installed.