Posts tagged Jess Pastore
Waterfronts: From NYC to LA

Pacific Standard / 82 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY / July 7th / 7pm

For the first six months of 2014, Underwater New York and Trop cross-published Waterfronts, a bi-weekly series of personal essays engaging with the waterways of New York City and Los Angeles. We were thrilled to co-host a reading to celebrate the culmination of the collaboration at Pacific Standard on July 7th, 2014. Steve Mentz, Betsy Bradley, Lisa Kunik, Jess Pastore, Erin Baer and Nicole Haroutunian read their short essays. Pacific Standard represented the LA coast and ordered nautical Heavy Seas beer for the occasion! A full house came out to support the readers, including many UNY contributors. We want to thank our new friends at Trop, Alyssa Vine, Evan Allgood and Tom Dibblee for making the collaboration so successful. Here are a few photos from the event!