Posts tagged Bronx River
American Eel

Bronx River.

In the process of counting migratory baby eels in the Bronx River, researchers discovered a discarded handgun. We think the eels are the more surprising find. Read their story here.

Horse Trailer

Bronx River.

We’ve heard of plenty of cars winding up in NYC’s waterways, and specifically in the Bronx River, but this is a new one. What happened to the horse?

10mm Glock Handgun

Bronx River.

The French filmmakers who accompanied a crew of researchers studying baby eels in the Bronx River wondered if the researchers had planted this piece of urban naturalism; they hadn’t. The gun was dumped in the River after a shooting. Read the story of its discovery here.

Human Skull

Bronx River.

In the 1980s, when Bronx River clean up efforts were in full swing, a member of a conservation crew for the Bronx River Restoration Project came across a human skull and reported it to the police. Is it an artifact of violence, neglect, or something else?