Posts tagged Rain Water
Holding on to Waste

The text within the artist book, "Holding on to Waste," was collected from the public in answer to the question: "What do you enjoy wasting?" The paper in the book is made from recycled magazines, cardboard boxes, a picture book, paper towels, paper scraps, children’s drawings, mint tea bag wrappers, receipts, scavenged berries, old Christmas cards, photographs, algae, a plastic bottle, chestnuts, fabric and thread scraps, a balloon, a cardboard spool, rubber gloves, empty Emergen-C packets, blue tape, packing tape, food wrappers, double-sided tape, and water collected on Governors Island. In a society where consumerism and wasteful living is widespread, this book asks us to consider more deeply how we allocate and spend our resources, often at the risk of the earth and other times at the risk of our own personal fulfillment and satisfaction.

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