Obscura Day 2015 at Dead Horse Bay
For the fourth year, Underwater New York participated in Atlas Obscura's Obscura Day, an international day of exploration. Team UNY met up with a group of adventurous New Yorkers in a Floyd Bennett Field parking lot, then set out across a picturesque path through high grasses and dunes, eventually emerging on Dead Horse Bay. After sharing a brief history of the place, which was once known as Barren Island, as well as several archival photographs culled from the Brooklyn Public Library and New York Public Library's amazing digitized archives, the group dispersed across the bottle, glass and horse bone-littered shores. Here are a few photographs of the day!

The path to DHB

The group emerges

A brief history

UNY editors

1950s chlorophil toothpaste

Explorer Rachel Rosen and found toothpaste

A partial roller skate

An iron

Pottery Shards

Tiny propeller

A horse bone in the rocks

A safe