["There was a young man from the Netherlands..."]

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Headless Dutch Boy Figurine

Body of Water

Dead Horse Bay

About the Artist

Anthony Madrid lives in Chicago. His poems have appeared in Best American Poetry 2013, BODY, Boston Review, Fence, Lana Turner, LIT, and Poetry. His first book is called I AM YOUR SLAVE NOW DO WHAT I SAY (Canarium Books, 2012).

Mark Fletcher is an illustrator and cartoonist. He designed the cover for Anthony Madrid's book I AM YOUR SLAVE NOW DO WHAT I SAY. Mark earned his BFA and BA in Art History from the University of Colorado. He lives and works in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 

Editors' note: This story was written for Underwater New York's January 24 event at Winter Shack, a temporary exhibition space designed by Alex Branch and Nicole Antebi, who curate a series of site-specific installations/readings/exhibitions that encourage audiences to engage with one another's work and to build community in the darkest hours of the year.