Ode to Far Rockaway


It seems they don't look at the ocean here,

have maybe gotten used to the smell of brine 

as it wafts over gasoline and fried things

and the rumble of the shuttle,

the tired meandering of silver

against the blue of the sky,

of the sea.


That sea that rushed

past the dunes, over planks

of split wood, into the streets,

into their homes, their tv's short-circuiting,

seeping up through floor boards

and into closets and beds.


It sat, that water, for days,

for months, warped wood

and left walls ashy with salt,

everything a little bit white,

everything a little bit green, 

and then black, as the mold

moved in and grew over

all the things bought or given,

and then left on the side of the road

to be hauled away with the trash.



Hurricane Sandy

Body of Water

The Rockaways

About the Artist

Nicole Cirino is a New York native, a Brooklyn resident, and an educator. Her varied background in Sociology, Writing, and Child Development informs her current work as a preschool math coach for a research project aimed at improving the lives of children living in poverty in New York City. She is an alumna of Sarah Lawrence College and is honored to share a piece inspired by Hurricane Sandy on its one year anniversary.